Donating just got easier!

Donations to the Colonial Seaport Foundation go directly to the construction of Luna and the Foundations educational programming. We are an all volunteer staff so your not paying for someones salary. The Colonial Seaport Foundation is a 501c3 educational nonprofit, all donations are tax exempt to the full extent of the law.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The beer pull went amazingly well. We had 16 show up, which enabled us to man two sites. Thank you to all who made it out and endured the heat.

Sunday brought three folks to the farm to work and one to play in the river. Chip, Christopher, and Adam spent the day working on the custom houses' roof and the transom on Luna. Reports from the shipwright say that the transom should start to be assembled rather soon. I know we've been saying that for a while, but there are actually four different surface areas that go together and none of them are square or flat- remember, its a boat. Before the pieces make their final trip from the barn to the boat they are also being painted where we can get to the entire piece and not slop paint around on board.

We are gearing up for the Hampton Blackbeard Festival, July 8-11. Radio and TV spots are starting to appear, merchandise is coming in, living history programs are being polished up, clothes and tents are being mended and numerous other projects are being wrapped up. Its amazing how much work goes into playing in our own back yard for a week. Stop by and see us, the CSF tent will be at Mill Point Park and the Custom House will be on the docks by the Cousteau Building.

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