Donating just got easier!

Donations to the Colonial Seaport Foundation go directly to the construction of Luna and the Foundations educational programming. We are an all volunteer staff so your not paying for someones salary. The Colonial Seaport Foundation is a 501c3 educational nonprofit, all donations are tax exempt to the full extent of the law.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Work days and Schooner Appreciation Days

The last couple of weeks have been spent working on more deck beams. This weekend was spent cleaning the shop, stacking wood, and getting ready for winter. Last seasons heavy snow did Luna's vinyl and pvc pipe framed cover in. We added a laminated ridge pole and uprights to the frame so we should be o.k. this season. Then Adam, one of our volunteers, pointed out a very simple observation. "It snowed last year, we're not going to see anything for another ten years." He's probably right, but as the local saying goes. "If you don't like the weather on the Chesapeake Bay, wait an hour, it'll change."

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Making Deck Beams

Sigh.... Our problem of the day is this rotting deck beam, which needs to be replaced before we can lay down any new decking. This one is located at the forward end of the engine compartment. Fortunately, there is a solid beam located just forward of this one.