Donating just got easier!

Donations to the Colonial Seaport Foundation go directly to the construction of Luna and the Foundations educational programming. We are an all volunteer staff so your not paying for someones salary. The Colonial Seaport Foundation is a 501c3 educational nonprofit, all donations are tax exempt to the full extent of the law.

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Luna snow dance

Last year we suffered a setback when Luna's cover collapsed during a snow storm. This year we beefed up the frame and purchased a custom reinforced canopy. So far so good!

Two days ago we all peered out the windows around the Chesapeake Bay and noticed a thick grey cloud bank forming, the temperature was dropping, and the air smelled of snow. Yesterday afternoon our snow plan went into effect as the white stuff started falling. Around six, the shipwright, Cory and I headed for the farm to see how things were holding. The headlights hit Luna's bow and Merry Christmas to us! There was our cover- slightly sagging under the wet snow, but standing it was.
First light, still standing!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Informational video

Thank you to one of our newest members Baran Hill, founder of FundraisCZAR, for putting together the video found at the link below. He braved the cold last weekend to spend the day at the farm shooting video. We hope you enjoy his production! If you are interested in his work or having him produce a video, please subscribe to his video channel through the link provided.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


This weeks conversations around the farm consists of four letter words that we had not heard in a while. The weather has taken a turn i'm afraid. "John, it's cold, put more wood on the fire! Man it looks like its going to snow again. Is there warm food for lunch? You mean we're going out in the cold and WORK!?"

Monday, December 13, 2010

Yes, were still here.

Ahoy friends,

We have been off the web for a bit to let us focus on some administrative and fund raising needs. Rest assured loyal followers, we're still making great progress on Luna, our 18th century Bermuda Sloop is still under construction.

We would like to thank our sister organization, Blackbeard's Crew for their recent contribution to the construction fund. The crew graciously sets aside 10% of their event profits to the construction fund.

Our first corporate fundraiser/ meet and greet, held at Half Moone Terminal was a success. We signed on over a dozen new members and had just as many renew. We welcome The Port of Virginia and Principle Advantage, Ltd as corporate donors as well. Thank you to Ann and Angie for coordinating the efforts.